Energy & Environment

Reducing gaseous emissions - RecSOLv

Certain industrial production processes use solvents and volatile chemical compounds that can end up in the air outlets: restrictive regulations on the emission into the environment of these compounds and the possibility of reusing them if they can be recovered with a sufficient degree of purity, has led to the spread of RecSOLv technology based on using the frigories contained in liquid nitrogen and its characteristics as an inert gas. This is a modern solution to the treatment of air emissions that satisfies the most stringent environmental requirements.

Depending on the type and concentration of the compound to be eliminated, and on the overall volumes of effluent to be treated, RecSOLv can be used with cryogenic eliminators operating directly using liquid nitrogen, or with active carbon absorbers that accumulate the substance to be removed and use gaseous nitrogen for stripping and channelling.

The flexibility of the RecSOLv process ensures a greater range of plan operation, from minimum flows of waste to be treated to maximum potential flows, through the correctly handling of the aspiration and thermostat system which are configured to suit differing operating conditions subject to continuous regulation, so as to guarantee the correct quantity of thermal transfer and thus making the consumption of nitrogen proportional to the quantity of emissions treated.

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