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This site uses the ${plone} and has been designed to be completely accessible and usable, working in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (${wcag} v1.0). If there is anything on this site — accessibility or validation related — that is not according to the standard, please contact the ${site_admin}, and not the Plone Team.

Access keys

Access keys are a navigation device enabling you to get around this web site using your keyboard.

Available access keys

This site uses a setup that closely matches most international recommendations on access keys. These are:

  • 1 — Home Page
  • 2 — Skip to content
  • 3 — Site Map
  • 4 — Search field focus
  • 5 — Advanced Search
  • 6 — Site navigation tree
  • 9 — Contact information
  • 0 — Access Key details

Accessibility Statement

We have undertaken to use our knowledge and understanding of the ways in which different people access the Internet, to develop a web site that is clear and simple for everybody to use.


We have used ${xhtml} 1.0 and ${css} that conforms to specification, as laid out by the ${w3c} because we believe that usability and accessibility must have a solid foundation. If anything on this web site does not validate correctly, please contact the ${site_admin}, and not the Plone Team.

We have also endeavoured to achieve AA accessibility as measured against version 1.0 of the ${wcag}. We are aware however, that a number of the checkpoints of the ${wcag2} are subjective — and although we are sure that we have met them squarely, there may be instances where interpretation may vary.